You can easily identify who’s calling you from the office, instead of answering an unrecognized number that turns out to be another robocall or unsolicited telemarketer.
Additions, changes, and deletions are now handled automatically. Once installed and set up, synchronization is automatic based on the sync process interval and settings selected. Easily maintain and access up to date company contacts. Whether your company uses on premise Exchange or Office 365, you can automatically sync your GAL contacts to Outlook mailboxes and Exchange enabled mobile devices. Easily access your corporate GAL contacts on your iPhones, Androids, and smartphones.
#Add office 365 contacts to iphone software
Once the GAL contacts are in the personal contact folder, the mobile device’s sync software (Exchange ActiveSync) takes over syncing it down to your mobiles. your users’ local Outlook Contact folders.
Global Address List synchronization allows you to treat the Exchange GAL or Office 365 GAL as the source folder to be synchronized one way with selected destination (target) folders i.e. With our Add2Exchange GAL sync app, you can automatically synchronize your global address list to selected local Contact folders. Even if possible, many accounts would need to be hidden to limit users from viewing or accessing certain service accounts or distribution lists. Mobile devices natively sync with your Outlook Contacts mailbox folder, however most have a limitation of not being able to automatically sync contacts from the Office 365/Exchange Global Address List or from a corporate address book/contact list maintained in a public folder, for example. Use our DidItBetter Software sync apps to easily and automatically sync your Exchange Global Address List (GAL) or Office 365 GAL to Outlook personal contact folders for a copy of your corporate address book contacts, for viewing on mobiles (iPhones, Androids, Exchange-enabled mobiles), and for business caller ID recognition. Sync your Global Address List Automatically to Mobiles